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Limba engleză


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Programul de învăţământ la limba engleză, sub genericul "Speaking about Quality in English", este elaborat în conformitate cu cerinţele faţă de pregătirea general-teoretică a specialiştilor de înaltă calificare cu grad ştiinţific.

Necesitatea studierii limbii străine în cadrul programului de master este determinată de circumstanţele reale ale evoluţiei procesului de cercetare ştiinţifică, de extinderea colaborării internaţionale în sfera ştiinţifică. Activitatea masteranzilor va fi subordonată, astfel, realizării următoarelor obiective de bază: perfecţionarea deprinderilor de comunicare orală şi scrisă vizând activitatea profesională şi cea ştiinţifică; consolidarea capacităţilor de analiză şi sinteză a informaţiei conţinute într-un discurs ştiinţific; dezvoltarea abilităţilor de înţelegere şi producere a mesajelor specializate; actualizarea cunoştinţelor de ordin lingvistic şi cultural, cu adaptarea respectivă la contexte specifice; achiziţionarea graduală a lexicului specializat în vederea exploatării ulterioare în activitatea profesională şi cea ştiinţifică; perfecţionarea competenţelor de transfer (de traducere) din limba străină în limba maternă şi invers a textelor de specialitate.

În concordanţă cu obiectivele stabilite, activitatea masteranzilor va fi orientată spre dezvoltarea şi consolidarea competenţelor multiple, necesare în exercitarea eficientă a comunicării orale şi scrise.

Activităţi didactice

Seminare: 50 ore.
Credite: 7.

Conţinutul seminarelor

  1. Basic Concepts. A Short History of Quality. The Article. Personal Pronoun. 2 ore.
  2. Total Quality. Personal Pronoun in Nominative, Acusative and Dative. 2 ore.
  3. Walter A. Shewhart - Father of statistical quality control. Preposition of Place. Preposition of Movement. 2 ore.
  4. Joseph M. Juran - A search for universal principles. 2 ore.
  5. W. Edwards Deming - A mission pursued on two continents. Modal Verbs: can, may, must. 2 ore.
  6. Beyond Total Quality. Equivalents of Modal Verbs. 2 ore.
  7. Continuous Improvement. The Present Simple. Special questions. 2 ore.
  8. Plan–Do–Check–Act Cycle. The Form of the Possessive/ Genitive Case. 2 ore.
  9. Six Sigma. Lean. Possessive Pronoun. Depenedent/Independent. 2 ore.
  10. Quality management. The Present Participle. Disjunctive Questions. 2 ore.
  11. Total Quality Management. The Present Continuous Tense. The Adverb. 2 ore.
  12. Statistical Process Control. The Past Simple. Regular verbs. 2 ore.
  13. Cost of Quality (COQ). The Past Simple. Irregular verbs. 2 ore.
  14. Customer Satisfaction. Equivalents of Modal Verbs. Relative Pronoun. 2 ore.
  15. Problem Solving. Flowcharts. Passive Voice. The Adjective. 2 ore.
  16. Process View of Work. Comparison of adjectives. 2 ore.
  17. Quality Assurance and Quality Control. The comparative of equality and the comparative of inferiority. 2 ore.
  18. Supplier Quality. Enhancing comparison. 2 ore.
  19. Variation. The Degrees of comparison of Adverbs. 2 ore.
  20. Quality Tools. Cause Analysis Tools. Fishbone Diagram. Pareto Chart. Scatter Diagram. The Simple Future. 2 ore.
  21. Evaluation and Decision-Making Tools. Decision Matrix. Multivoting. The Imperative. 2 ore.
  22. Process Analysis Tools. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA). Mistake Proofing. Future Continuous. Reflexive Pronoun. 2 ore.
  23. Seven Basic Quality Tools. The Past Continuous. Indefinite Pronouns and their Compounds. 2 ore.
  24. Data Collection and Analysis Tools. The Present Perfect. The Present Perfect Continuous. 2 ore.
  25. Idea Creation Tools. 2 ore.
  26. Seven New Management and Planning Tools. The Future Perfect. 2 ore.
  27. People Create Quality. Change Management. 2 ore.
  28. Leadership. Quality Professionals. Sequence of Tenses. Reported Speech. 2 ore.
  29. Teams. Employee Empowerment and Involvement. 2 ore.
  30. Global Quality. Reliability. Consolidation. Test paper. 2 ore.


  1. ASQ Quality Costs Committee, Principles of Quality Costs: Principles, Implementation, and Use, Third Edition, ed. Jack Campanella, ASQ Quality Press, 1999.
  2. Brien Palmer, Making Change Work: Practical Tools for Overcoming Human Resistance to Change, ASQ Quality Press, 2004.
  3. Dennis G. Beecroft, Grace L. Duffy, and John W. Moran, The Executive Guide to Improvement and Change, ASQ Quality Press, 2003.
  4. Donald W. Benbow, Ahmad K. Elshennawy and H. Fred Walker, The Certified Quality Technician Handbook, ASQ Quality Press, 2003.
  5. Donald W. Benbow and T. M. Kubiak, The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook, ASQ Quality Press, 2005.
  6. Duke Okes and Russell T. Westcott, editors, Certified Quality Manager Handbook: Second Edition, ASQ Quality Press, 2001.
  7. Edwards W. Deming, The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education (Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Advanced Engineering Study, 1993).
  8. Mark L. Crossley, The Desk Reference of Statistical Quality Methods, ASQ Quality Press, 2000.
  9. Matthew E. May presents this definition for perfection in The Elegant Solution: Toyota’s Formula for Mastering Innovation (New York: Free Press, 35).
  10. Nancy R. Tague’s The Quality Toolbox, Second Edition, ASQ Quality Press, 2004.
  11. Robert A. Gardner’s The Process-Focused Organization: A Transition Strategy for Success, ASQ Quality Press, 2004.
  12. Timothy J. Clark, Success Through Quality: Support Guide for the Journey to Continuous Improvement, ASQ Quality Press, 1999.
  13. Western Electric Company, Statistical Quality Control Handbook, 2nd ed. (AT&T Technologies, 1984).
  14. William A. Levinson and Raymond A. Rerick, Lean Enterprise: A Synergistic Approach to Minimizing Waste, ASQ Quality Press, 2002.
  15. Plamadeala L., English (from beginners or false beginners to intermediates), Chisinau, 2006.
